Introducing Jesse Billingham

The Portland Parks Conservancy is excited to announce that we have named Jesse Billingham as our first Volunteer Coordinator.

The COVID-19 pandemic has had severe economic impact on the people of Portland and on our City’s municipal budget. Without the usual crew of municipal employees this summer, trash could accumulate and basic maintenance like mowing go undone. As the Portland Parks Conservancy  Volunteer Coordinator, Jesse will recruit and manage volunteer crews through the summer and fall. These volunteers will not replace City staff, but they will make a tremendous contribution by picking up trash, raking, clearing brush, and other light maintenance that will allow staff can do their jobs more efficiently.

Jesse has worked in the public and non-profit conservation space for over 12 years. He began on this path in college where he studied Natural Resource Management. Jesse went on to earn an M.S. in Environmental Health, focusing on the connection between land use and water quality. Before moving to Maine he worked closely with volunteers in several roles, including building trails in Colorado with Summit County Open Space, monitoring water quality in Washington with Snohomish County, organizing science outreach events at MIT, and managing a network of recreation and conservation properties with the American Alpine Club.

Jesse is excited to join the PPC and work with volunteers and the City in support of the Portland park system. You can contact Jesse to volunteer at 207 808-5455 or